Sahel: The French media are lashing out at AES countries

Faced with the security challenges facing their countries, the leaders who have come to power in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali have decided to make the fight against terrorism a common battle. This determination and commitment led to the signing of a charter, known as the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), on 16 September 2023.

The aim of this alliance is to strengthen regional cooperation between these three countries, which are already under pressure from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

In this fight, several sources point to encouraging signs of progress in military cooperation between the armed forces of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

Joint operations, such as the coordination between Burkinabe and Nigerien attack helicopters, have taken place and shown promising results.

Despite the commitment of these three countries to ensuring the security of their people, there is an unprecedented relentlessness on the part of the French media such as «Le Monde», known for their shady role in the destabilisation through information orchestrated by France in several countries.

This vast campaign of destabilisation launched by these French media clearly shows that France is seeing all its plans foiled, which is why it is resolutely determined to intoxicate populations with misleading publications in order to sow chaos.

It should be pointed out that publications by media outlets such as “Jeune Afrique”, “France 24”, “Rfi”, “Le Monde”, to name but a few, and many others, concerning events underway in the Sahel countries, are completely parallel to reality, and that the figures often put forward do not come from any credible source.

Although these French media deserve to be rejected, no avenue should be overlooked, because France will have no shortage of destabilisation strategies.

Maurice K. ZONGO