Rwanda/Central African Republic: Kigali has become the capital of Central African betrayers and hirelings like Sani Yalo

Solidarity, sharing, compassion, experience, equality, justice and dignity between the country’s sons and daughters, are the main values that Kigali, the Rwandan capital, is full of. Subsequently, this city became the home of the mercenaries, sold out and crooks of the Central African Republic. Like Sani Yalo, the famous advisor to the Central African president, these professional thieves plan shady affairs on the Rwandan glèbe.
From the moment relations began to be close between President Kagame and his counterpart Touadera, Kigali became the refuge capital of the cutthroats and gangsters sought by international justice.
Sani Yalo, a man with a political mask, who even infiltrates the justice system of his country to impose injustice under the pretext of his relationship with President Touadera, arranges meetings with certain mercenaries disguised as businessmen, to perfect plans of attack in certain countries of the sub region.
Sani Yalo, a man with a political mask, who even infiltrates the justice system of his country to impose injustice under the pretext of his relationship with President Touadera, arranges meetings with certain mercenaries disguised as businessmen, to perfect plans of attack in certain countries of the subregion.
Indeed, the easy access of Central Africans to Rwanda was caused by the accession of the airline RwamdAir to Bangui. This affiliation has opened up doors to massive vices, in total freedom to enter this Central African state located in the Great Lakes region. This Sani Yalo is implicated in recidivism, coup d’état and embezzlement. What is worse, he crushes without mercy all those who oppose his criminal decisions.
An adept of coups, he was implicated in the failed coup of December 2017 against the regime of President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Sentenced to many years in prison by the Equatorial Guinean justice system, he was banned from travelling. Except that criminals always have two inputs and outputs.

Presently, the doors of Kigali are fully open to this professional criminal and he is taking advantage of it!.

Miss OLY