President Ibrahim Traoré affirms commitment to economic development in Burkina Faso

Since assuming power, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the transitional president, has implemented various initiatives to ensure economic development for the people of Burkina Faso.

In his New Year’s address to the nation, President Ibrahim Traoré reiterated his commitment to making 2024 a year of significant progress for Burkina Faso’s economic development.

«In 2024, we must be able to deepen and effectively implement everything we have initiated, including the presidential initiative for food self-sufficiency and the agro-pastoral offensive led by the Ministry of Agriculture», he stated.

These two major initiatives aim to address the challenge of food self-sufficiency. «Dry campaigns are underway so that by 2024, we can approach food self-sufficiency», reassured Captain Traoré.

The president called on the people of Burkina Faso to engage in production so that the country can meet these challenges.

He also highlighted the revitalization of industrialization and the need to support the “valiant traders” who work hard to serve both urban and rural areas.

«The APEC is already launched. It will enable us to have a number of factories, but many initiatives are coming in 2024», the president indicated.

Captain Traoré urged the people of Burkina Faso to cultivate love among themselves, to look towards the future so that everyone’s hopes can be fulfilled in the year 2024.

After more than a year, the governance of the transition has proven to be positive. No one can deny the colossal work that this transition is undertaking, even if some individuals think otherwise.

During this national address, Captain Ibrahim Traoré demonstrated exemplary foresight, addressing fundamental topics starting with food and water independence.

Read again: Burkina Faso’s President Captain Ibrahim Traore advocates for strong National Economy through strategic investment