President Faure Gnassingbé’s global strategy: greater security and social progress

President Faure Gnassingbé has made the fight against terrorism and the enhancement of social services two inseparable priorities. The Togolese head of state has established robust mechanisms and continually implements effective measures to combat terrorism.

President Gnassingbé addresses both the root causes and direct manifestations of this scourge, determined to prevent it from infiltrating society.

The strategies employed include strengthening security at both official and unofficial borders, fostering regional and international cooperation, enhancing intelligence and surveillance, and actively mobilizing defense forces.

Investments in bolstering intelligence and surveillance capabilities have enabled early detection and prevention of terrorist activities within Togo.

Additionally, awareness campaigns are conducted to educate the population about terrorism and the steps to take in the event of potential threats.

President Faure Gnassingbé encourages citizens to demonstrate civic responsibility and actively participate in this fight.

Concurrently, he strives to improve social services to meet the basic needs of the population and reduce vulnerabilities exploited by terrorists.

Initiatives have been launched to improve access to education, healthcare, potable water, and employment, aiming to strengthen community resilience.

These combined efforts highlight President Gnassingbé’s determination to build a safer and more prosperous Togo by simultaneously addressing security threats and social challenges.

Kodjovi Makafui