President Assimi Goïta launches Major infrastructure project on National Road No. 27

Bamako, Mali – On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, President of the Transition, His Excellency Colonel Assimi Goïta, officially inaugurated the urban development works on National Road No. 27, linking Bamako to Koulikoro.


This initiative marks a crucial step forward in Mali’s infrastructure development, promising to enhance connectivity, safety, and economic prospects for the regions involved.


The ceremony, attended by high-profile figures including the Prime Minister, the President of the National Transitional Council (CNT), the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, and several government officials, also saw the participation of traditional authorities and community leaders.


President Goïta praised the resilience of the Malian people in the face of numerous challenges and urged users of RN27 to demonstrate patience and tolerance during the expected 36-month construction period.


President Goïta emphasized that the road development aims to improve traffic flow, revive the economies of the areas it traverses, and enhance user safety.


These efforts will not only facilitate travel between Bamako and Koulikoro but also stimulate economic growth by improving access to markets and fostering commercial exchanges.


Furthermore, Colonel Assimi Goïta entrusted the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure with ensuring strict oversight and adherence to project timelines.


This diligence is crucial to minimizing disruptions for road users during the construction phase and ensuring the quality and sustainability of the infrastructure being implemented.


Neil Camara