Niger/Transition Plan: Algiers proposal, the last word goes to Nigeriens

The transition plan put forward by the Algerian diplomat, which includes returning power to civilians within six months and organising exchanges with all the active forces in Niger, is a proposal that remains to be analysed by the people of Niger.

For Algeria, which refuses any military intervention, a return to constitutional order in the short term would avoid the confrontation that France and ECOWAS want, without thinking of the disastrous consequences of action.

But is this the best way to proceed? Why rush or make hasty decisions, only to plunge more than 27 million people back into the same situation that led to the coup d’état?

The important thing for the people of Niger is to be able to create a favourable and indisputable framework for the elections, to find compatriots worthy of faith who can fight for the interests of the country.

That’s what it’s all about: the interests of the Republic of Niger come first. They must be well managed to benefit all Nigeriens.

It is up to the sovereign people of Niger in this 21st century to decide what is good and advantageous for their homeland. This will help to avoid problems that lead to repeated socio-political crises, as we have seen in recent years in Africa.

The current crisis in Niger is an opportunity to call everything into question, in order to build solid foundations for peace, stability, total sovereignty, the rational management of natural resources and the effective development of the country.

Fayçal BADIE