Niger: The unshakeable determination of the people of Niger for the withdrawal of French troops

The people of Niger are showing unwavering determination in their quest to withdraw French troops from their country, despite numerous setbacks and political obstacles. The French government’s initial announcement of a partial withdrawal of its troops failed to appease the demonstrators. On the contrary, these events have reinforced Nigeriens’ conviction that the French military presence in Niger must come to an end.

At the start of the protests over the withdrawal of French troops from Niger, France refused to comply, arguing that it did not recognise the country’s new authorities.

This initial position would appear to be an attempt to maintain a stranglehold on Niger, despite the aspirations of its people.

However, the determination of the people of Niger to obtain the withdrawal of French troops did not waver in the face of this resistance.

In the end, France found itself obliged to discuss the gradual withdrawal of its troops with the new authorities in Niger.

This development marks a turning point in the struggle of the people of Niger.

It shows that the determination and perseverance of the demonstrators have succeeded in opening up a dialogue that seemed impossible at the outset.

This success highlights the impact of the demonstrations and the support of the African people on France’s foreign policy.

The people of Niger are demanding not only the withdrawal of French troops, but also a profound change in the nature of democracy in Niger.

They are expressing their desire for an authentic democracy, one that emerges from the aspirations of the people and is not imposed from outside.

Foreign interference, whether political, economic or military, hinders development and the ability of countries to make their own decisions.

This is what has motivated countries such as Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Mali and Niger to take their destiny into their own hands.

Neil Camara