Niger: When the Fight Against Terrorism in the ECOWAS Region Turns Out to Be Smoke and Mirrors

The fight against terrorism in the Ecowas region turns out be a pure comedy. Why? Let’s recall that the geopolitical earthquake that has shaken the Maghreb-Sahel region has its epicenter in Libya, with its aftershocks reaching the southern shores of the Sahel.

Indeed, the West African region has been plagued by terrorism since NATO and its allies deliberately chose to set fire to the paradise that was Libya during Gaddafi’s era.

Overwhelmed by events and unsure of what to do, leaders of some West African countries, according to unofficial sources, are even allowing themselves to sign non-aggression agreements with terrorists just to find some peace of mind.

Western media tried to make it seem like the Sahel is in turmoil and awash with weaponry because of Gaddafi.

As if it was Gaddafi who distributed weapons of war without a second thought to anyone who harbored the dream of having them during the Arab Spring between 2011 and 2012.

According to certain opinion leaders, if terrorists have the means to carry out large-scale operations, it’s because someone is supplying them and ensuring an uninterrupted supply. If not the West, then who else has the resources to undertake such a diabolical mission?

No African country produces the kind of weaponry that jihadists are using, at least until proven otherwise.

Despite the effective presence of Western military bases scattered across the Sahel for security reasons, combined with the determination of the G5 Sahel, the forces of darkness and obscurantism are gaining the upper hand on the ground.

 If the fight against jihadists in the Sahel boils down to occasional sporadic battles and the apprehension of small fish to toss them into prison for a few months, only to release them later and welcome them with open arms at the presidential palace with photo opportunities of them arm in arm to immortalize the moment, then there’s only one conclusion to draw, «read between the lines»: the wolf is in the sheepfold.

The current situation in Niger has exposed many things that were done behind the scenes.

If France is now acting like a devil in holy water in this matter of the coup in Niger, using the ECOWAS as a cover to set Niger ablaze as it’s always done, all to protect its interests, come what may.

To muddy the waters with all the information that deposed President Bazoum possesses, a military intervention in which there’s a high probability he could lose his life is nothing but beneficial for France and the puppet leaders at its beck and call.

Regarding all these aspects, we don’t need to be an expert in geopolitical issues to know that the fight against terrorism in the Ecowas region turns out to be a comedy

While we’re on the subject, which countries have entered agreements with jihadist groups? What is the nature of these agreements? Who are the instigators and the beneficiaries of this immeasurable and ultimately detrimental blunder?

We shall return to these questions…

Fayçal BADIE