Niger: Over 100 terrorists neutralised in coordinated operation in Niaktiré

The Nigerien military has reported the successful neutralization of more than 100 terrorists during a coordinated ground and air operation on Sunday near Niaktiré, close to the commune of Makalondi in the Tillabéry region. This area, located in western Niger, has been frequently targeted by armed groups.


The operation is a direct response to ongoing attacks in the region, which borders Burkina Faso. It highlights Niger’s ongoing efforts to secure its territory amid a rising threat from terrorism in the Sahel.


The military also reported the destruction of significant enemy equipment, further diminishing the operational capacity of terrorist groups in the area.


This success strengthens the position of Nigerien forces in their fight against insecurity, particularly in Tillabéry, which has been a hotspot for jihadist attacks linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Such violence has rendered security precarious for local communities.


Nigerien authorities have praised this military victory while emphasizing the need for continued vigilance and enhanced cooperation with neighboring countries to effectively combat armed groups.


The Nigerien government remains committed to ensuring the safety of its citizens and restoring stability in a region plagued by recurrent violence.


 Fayçal BADIE


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