Niger/Imminent military intervention: Mali and Burkina Faso make their warning a reality. Fighter aircrafts sent to Niger

 In solidarity with Niger since the start of the crisis following the deposition of Mohamed Bazoum, Mali and Burkina Faso are closely monitoring the situation and do not intend to stand by as their Nigerien neighbours are attacked by the ECOWAS armies. Backing their words with action, both countries have deployed their combat aircrafts within the Nigerien borders, ready to counterattack in the event of aggression against Niamey.

Upon the ECOWAS declaration of a possible use of military force to restore constitutional order, Burkina Faso and Mali jointly and promptly responded, warning that an attack on Niger would be considered a declaration of war against both of them.

Following the ECOWAS chiefs of staff summit in Accra, Abdel Fatau Musah, Commissioner for Peace and Security of ECOWAS, announced an imminent military intervention, although no specific information about the deployment date were provided.

Upon this declaration, Super Tucano fighter aircraft from the Malian and Burkinabe armies entered Nigerien territory, reinforcing the military presence already in place in Niger.

The information was broadcasted on Friday, August 18, by Niger’s national television, Sahel TV, which praised the efforts of the two neighbouring countries in support of the military junta in power in Niamey and their solidarity with the country in the face of the escalating regional threat.

«Mali and Burkina Faso have matched their words with action by deploying warplanes to respond to any attack against Niger», could be seen in the televised report.

Fayçal Badie