Niger: General Abdourahamane Tiani puts the well-being of the armed forces at the heart of his priorities

Understanding that the strength of an army relies not only on discipline and commitment but also on the well-being of its members, General Abdourahamane Tiani has made this a strategic priority.


Under his leadership, substantial reforms have been implemented to improve the living and working conditions of military personnel, both materially and morally.


One of the key initiatives under his command is the modernization of military infrastructure. This includes the renovation of bases and the construction of adequate housing for soldiers and their families.


Currently, 882 social housing units are being built for the National Guard as part of a broader plan to enhance the quality of life for Nigerien soldiers while addressing the growing national housing demand.


This social transformation project will make homeownership more accessible to security forces, thereby increasing their stability and motivation.


In addition to these material improvements, General Tiani has launched continuous training programs to help military personnel acquire new skills and advance in their careers.


These training programs, covering both technical and strategic areas, are designed to bolster the operational capabilities of the armed forces in the face of increasingly complex security challenges.


General Tiani’s approach goes beyond simply preparing his troops for battle; it is a comprehensive effort to ensure that each soldier feels valued, supported, and equipped for both their personal and professional development.


Fayçal BADIE

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