Niger/France: President Emmanuel Macron finally comes to his senses

President Emmanuel Macron has come to his senses in the face of the determination and resistance of the sovereign people of Niger. Their courage and tenacity have finally paid off. A few weeks ago, the French President was firm in his position of keeping Ambassador Sylvain Itté in Niger, on the pretext that he did not recognise the legitimacy of the new authorities in Niamey.

In addition, the head of the Elysée Palace opposed the idea of withdrawing French troops from Niger, arguing that the military cooperation agreements denounced by the CNSP had only been signed with the «democratically elected» president, Mohamed Bazoum.

It is true what is often said, «freedom is not given, but snatched away». The people of Niger fought hard and got what they wanted: the departure of the 1,500 French soldiers and the French diplomat from their territory.

On Sunday 24 September 2023, Emmanuel Macron declared in an interview on TF1 television that Paris would immediately begin recalling its ambassador to Niger and evacuating its military forces. He added that these French troops would leave Niger completely by the end of 2023.

As a reminder, the CNSP had declared the French diplomat in Niger persona non grata, cancelled his immunity, his diplomatic cards, his visa and those of his family members, and ordered his expulsion at the end of August.

This action by the new authorities in Niamey is backed by the support of the sovereign people of Niger.

These people have decided to remain mobilised until the French soldiers leave the country definitively and unconditionally.

Demonstrations are held almost every day in the square dubbed «Place de la Résistance» by civil society organisations in Niger, located very close to the French military base.

The struggle continues to make the Republic of Niger more sovereign and freer from the imperialist agreements and relations that are plunging the country and its people into misery and exploitation.

Fayçal BADIE