NIGER: Exclusion of Niger from the 78th session of the General Assembly: when the UN sank lower than expected, following France in its excesses

The French President, in collusion with the UN Secretary General, literally excluded Niger from the general debate at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, thus creating a dangerous and worrying precedent for the future of this organisation.

Unlike other nations, Niger was refused the right to speak at the United Nations because France and a quarter of ECOWAS Heads of State do not recognise the legitimacy of Niger’s new authorities.

A situation that the CNSP and the Nigerien government did not appreciate at all. In a press release, the Niger authorities condemned the complicity of France and two French-speaking ECOWAS heads of state, as well as the manoeuvres of former head of diplomacy Hassoumi Massaoudou.

A predictable act, however. Some thought that the little credibility that France still had in the eyes of African countries would be put to good use so as not to lose face completely by falling into another trap, especially at the UN General Assembly, but this was without counting on the perversity of Emmanuel Macron and his subcontractors of neo-colonialism at the head of certain ECOWAS countries.

France, afraid of seeing Niger expose its atrocities in the Sahel before the United Nations, pulled out all the stops to ensure that Niger was excluded.

But it forgot that Niger’s sister countries, like Burkina Faso and Mali, which are also going through the same situation, can do the job in Niger’s place, and so they did.

It should be noted that Gabon, which also recently experienced a coup d’état, was represented and took part in the debate. Double standards!

The Niger delegation, led by Foreign Affairs Minister Bakary Yaou Sangaré, took part in a number of UN events on the fringes of the UN summit, notably the Summit on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

However, the Niger representative’s speech in the general debate, which was scheduled for last Thursday, was cancelled at the last minute by France and its henchmen the ECOWAS Heads of State.

Neil Camara