Niger: Closure of the last American military base

On Monday, Nigerien and American military authorities announced the closure of the last American military base in Niger, signaling the end of a significant phase in their defense cooperation.


This decision follows the gradual withdrawal of American troops from the country, a process that began on May 19.


The airbase 201 in Agadez, located in northern Niger near the Libyan border, played a crucial role in defense cooperation between the United States and Niger.


The base had been significantly upgraded by the US to support joint counterterrorism efforts and enhance the capabilities of Nigerien armed forces.


In early July, the first American base, located in the capital Niamey, was also closed, marking the beginning of the reduction of the American military presence in the country.


Airbase 201 in Agadez was a strategic center for regional counterterrorism operations.


Its enhancement by the US aimed to strengthen security cooperation, with facilities designed to facilitate aerial operations and support surveillance and reconnaissance efforts in the Sahel region.


Despite the closure of this base, US support for counterterrorism efforts in the region may continue in other forms, such as bilateral collaborations or training programs.


The closure of airbase 201 in Agadez, along with the Niamey base, marks the end of a significant chapter in defense cooperation between Niger and the United States.


Fayçal BADIE