Niger: China reiterates its support for the CNSP authorities

While France categorically refuses to align itself with the CNSP (National Council for the safeguard of the homeland), China, on the other hand, appears to be more flexible. General Salifou Mody, the Minister of Defense of the CNSP, received an audience with the Ambassador of China to Niger, Mr. JIANG Feng. According to Salifou Mody, Ambassador Feng reaffirmed his country’s support for the transition in Niger.

A clear difference can be seen in the diplomatic approach advocated by China and France.

France supports military intervention in Niger for total destabilization, while China, on the contrary, prefers a softer approach and is willing to participate in a dialogue framework with the CNSP.

The CNSP authorities criticized the statements of the French President as blatant interference in Niger’s internal affairs and a continuation of French neocolonialism.

The CNSP questioned the presence of French military forces in Niger.

China has maintained excellent cooperation relations with Niger for several decades.

These relations are stronger than ever, with various Chinese projects in Niger, particularly in the defense sector, including training of personnel and the supply and purchase of military equipment.

It’s worth noting that several thousand people gathered in Niamey to demand the departure of French forces from Niger. France should respect Niger’s sovereignty.

Fayçal BADIE