Niger/China: Bilateral relations between the two countries strengthened by the military regime

Relations of friendship and cooperation between Niger and China are being renewed with the military regime in Niamey. Bilateral cooperation between the two countries dates back many years, and continues with each new regime. This explains the visit of the Chinese delegation to Niamey on Saturday 16 September.

Despite the fact that the legitimacy of the military regime in Niamey is not recognised by ECOWAS and its ally Paris, it (the military regime) is moving forward quietly with partners who have no problem maintaining their relations with Niger.

All that matters to the CNSP is the future of its country at every level and the socio-economic well-being of its compatriots.

With this in mind, the President of the CNSP and President of the Transition, Brigadier General Abdourahamane TIANI, granted an audience to the Chinese delegation led by the Chinese Government’s Special Representative for African Affairs, Mr Liu Yuxi.

They discussed their bilateral relations, which to date have been excellent.

The same bilateral cooperation issues were discussed with the head of the transitional government of Niger, Minister Lamine Zeine Ali.

The Chinese government representative described the cooperation between  Niger and China as fruitful.

They also agreed to strengthen their relations in the interests of their respective peoples.

Neil Camara