Niger/ Diplomacy: The delegations of Malian and Burkinabe diplomats in Niamey

The foreign affairs ministers of Burkina Faso and Mali made a working visit to Niamey on Thursday 24 August. They were, respectively, H.E. Mrs RAGNAGHNENDE Olivia Rouamba and H.E. Mr ABDOULAYE Diop.

Accompanied by Mali’s Minister of Economy and Finance and Burkina Faso’s Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the two diplomats were welcomed by their Nigerien counterpart, H.E. Bakary Yaou SANGARE.

An official press release was issued at the end of the diplomatic meeting in Niamey.

According to the press release, this visit is part of the tradition of exchanges and consultations aimed at further strengthening the ties of friendship, solidarity and active cooperation that have united the three countries since their accession to international sovereignty.

The working session was attended by the Head of Government of Niger, Lamine Zeine Ali Mahaman.

According to the press release, the discussions revolved around the challenges facing the three countries, and the major issues in the news at sub-regional, regional and international level, in particular the crisis currently facing Niger, with all that this implies in terms of illegal, illegitimate and inhumane sanctions by ECOWAS and WAEMU.

The Burkinabdiplomats reiterated their countries’ solidarity with and support for Niger at this difficult time, and reaffirmed their rejection of armed intervention against the people of Niger, which would be seen as a declaration of war against the three countries.

They also stressed the need to strengthen their cooperation and their relations of friendship, solidarity and good neighbourliness, which are already at a good level.

On the security front, the three ministers discussed the threats of terrorism and violent extremism in the Sahel, particularly in the three bordering countries.

The commitment of the three sister countries was reiterated to put an end to these scourges, which have dictated their laws in the sub-region for several years.

To this end, they decided to grant each other mutual assistance facilities in terms of defence and security in the event of aggression or terrorist attack, and also to set up a consultation framework enabling them to coordinate their actions in order to deal with mutual situations and challenges.

Neil Camara