Niamey: President Ibrahim TRAORE’s piercing, targeted words at the AES summit

At the first AES summit of Heads of State in Niamey, President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso delivered a powerful and unflinching speech.


True to his style, he spoke without notes, addressing an enthusiastic audience with clear and denunciatory words.


Traoré strongly criticized Africans who, for their selfish interests, become subservient to imperialists, thereby perpetuating neo-colonialism.


In his opening address, Traoré specifically targeted local collaborators, whom he referred to as “salon slaves,” and the imperialists themselves. He accused these Africans of betraying their own people and countries for the benefit of foreign powers. According to him, these “salon slaves” serve only their masters, working to maintain the system of exploitation and plunder in Africa.


Since assuming the presidency, Traoré and his fellow leaders have opposed this imperialist and neo-colonial system, which has resulted in them being viewed as adversaries by these local collaborators and their imperialist patrons.


The summit speech highlighted the ongoing orchestrated terrorist attacks and manipulations by imperialist media against their governments.


President Traoré reiterated his commitment, along with that of the AES Heads of State, to confronting all threats to achieve their goals.


These goals include securing their respective territories, ensuring the dignity and well-being of their populations through sustainable socio-economic development, and achieving real independence and total sovereignty for their nations.


Significant decisions were made during their meeting in Niamey, underscoring their united determination to face any challenges ahead.


The collective aim is to create a secure, dignified, and prosperous future for their people, free from the chains of neo-colonialism.

Maurice K. ZONGO