Burkina Faso: «Massacre and not genocide» the president of the UA puts Embalo in his Place!

«Genocide is a purely legal term. (Certainly) There was a massacre that resulted in some loss of human life in Karma. But it is up to the courts to determine whether it is genocide or not», said Mr. Azali Assoumani, President of the Comoros and the African Union (AU).

Indeed, the statements that the President of ECOWAS, Mr. Umaro Sissoco Embalo made, regarding the massacre that occurred in Karma on April 20, 2023, continue to irk true Africans who care deeply about eradicating certain scourges.

This is the case with the Comorian Head of State and President of the AU, Mr. Azali Assoumani, during an interview published on a television channel.

During this interview, which covered several current events in Africa including the situation in Burkina Faso, President Azali Assoumani strongly opposed the labeling of the massacre as a «genocide» by the new French ally, Umaro Sissoco Embalo.

According to him, « Burkina Faso is a country surrounded by terrorist groups, and our mission is to think about how to help them, not to worsen their suffering. Terrorism takes advantage of the instability in the Sahel region. And I condemn these disguised terrorist acts that result in deaths and injuries in an African country like Burkina Faso. We (AU) are preparing to help the Sahelian countries that are facing terrorism to contain it».

This is a statement worthy of a President of the African Union. In fact, he is genuinely concerned about the progress of Africa and against anything that could hinder this objective.

Unlike Mr. Umaro Sissoco EMBALO, who, among other things, for his own interests, uses a term capable of causing a «civil war» to describe a «massacre», while condemning the Burkinabe authorities without even expressing his condolences to the grieving families and victims of this massacre.

This interview should also serve as a lesson to Umaro Sissoco EMBALO. He must realize that he is mistaken and must take action to correct his individualism.

The objective of France and its allies can never be achieved. If the Burkinabe people were able to carry out this massive mobilization in the major cities of Ouagadougou last Saturday, May 6th, to support the ongoing transition led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, it is precisely because nothing and no one can stand in the way of this transition.
