Mali: The Malian army heads for Kidal

The Malian army  has deployed a convoy  towards the strategic region of Kidal, a stronghold of the Tuareg rebellion.

Comprising 119 vehicles, this deployment is intended to reorganise Malian forces in the north-east of Kidal in response to the upsurge in hostilities provoked by Tuareg separatist armed groups and jihadist attacks on the Malian army since the end of August.

Kidal is of great importance to Mali in terms of sovereignty, but it is currently under the control of the Coordination of the Azawad Movement, an alliance of Tuareg armed groups.

The region was conquered by the rebels in 2012, then by the Salafists, before being retaken by the separatists in 2013 thanks to French intervention.

Since then, Kidal has remained under the control of the separatists, despite attempts by the Malian army to recapture it in 2014.

In 2015, some pro-independence armed groups signed a peace agreement with the Malian government, but the jihadists continued to fight the Malian army and expand their influence in the Sahel region, contributing to a deep security, humanitarian and political crisis.

The 2015 agreement is also showing signs of fragility, especially as the UN mission in Mali (Minusma) is being withdrawn, raising concerns among separatists about control of areas currently under Minusma supervision.

Mali’s ruling junta, led by Colonel Assimi Goïta, has stated its intention to re-establish the authority of the Malian state throughout its territory, including Kidal.

The military deployment to Kidal is part of this drive to regain control of the region.

Maiga Dao