Mali/Diplomacy: Mali defends its fundamental principles throughout the world

At the outset of his transitional presidency, Colonel Assimi Goïta of Mali, together with his government team, established and embraced three fundamental principles to guide Mali’s interactions with external partners.

These principles center on upholding Mali’s sovereignty, respecting the strategic decisions made by the nation, and safeguarding the interests of the Malian people in all decision-making processes.

These core tenets of the transition have been actively translated into tangible actions and policy decisions, both domestically and internationally.

These actions symbolize Mali’s steadfast commitment to thwarting external dominance and interference in its internal affairs, empowering Malians with their rightful sovereignty and dignity, and reclaiming Mali’s esteemed position within the global community.

Building upon these principles, Mali has cultivated relationships of cooperation and friendship with other nations.

During a recent diplomatic visit to Budapest, Hungary, on June 10, 2024, Mali’s diplomatic minister, H.E. Abdoulaye Diop, reiterated these foundational principles to his Hungarian counterpart, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and collaboration.

Additionally, Minister Diop expressed Mali’s concerns regarding the misuse of human rights by some international actors, highlighting the need for genuine respect for these rights and avoiding their politicization for external agendas.

Neil Camara