Mali/Counter-terrorism: A precious moment of relaxation for terrorists interrupted by the FAMa

The Malian Armed Forces (FAMa) have not given their enemies a moment’s rest, thwarting their attempts to regroup and continue their nefarious activities against the population. In their ongoing mission to safeguard the national territory, Mali’s combat forces apprehended a terrorist group.

This information was made public by the General Staff of the Armed Forces through a statement dated March 20, 2024.

According to the statement, FAMa detected and neutralized a terrorist group peacefully gathered around a campfire during the night of Wednesday, March 20.

The incident occurred around 2 a.m. in the Southeast area of the Abeïbara commune, located in the Kidal region of Mali.

Well-targeted and intense aerial strikes led to the neutralization of several terrorists and the destruction of their weapons and vehicles.

Even fleeing members were pursued, intercepted, and successfully dealt with.

The operations to combat, respond, and reclaim Malian territory continue with determination and dedication from Mali’s combat forces.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces reiterated their commitment and determination to protect the Malian population from these wrongdoers.

It is worth noting that Mali, along with its neighbouring countries and members of the Sahel Alliance (AES), has bolstered its military capabilities following the departure of foreign troops (Barkhane, Takuba, MINUSMA, etc.) to better confront terrorist groups.

With the Sahel States Alliance (AES) and the pooling of military forces, brighter days lie ahead for the peoples of this regional African space.