Madagascar: President Rajoelina extends Ntsay Christian’s term as Prime Minister

Madagascar’s President, Andry Rajoelina, has decided to reappoint Ntsay Christian as Prime Minister, expressing his renewed confidence in him. This decision was officially announced during a ceremony held at the Iavoloha State Palace.

Andry Rajoelina explained the reasons that led him to choose Ntsay Christian among the three names proposed by the majority party in Parliament, in accordance with the Malagasy Constitution.

The President emphasized that he considered three essential criteria in his decision: loyalty, experience, and stability.

«In carefully examining the three names that you, the deputies, submitted, I retained three major criteria to make my decision, namely loyalty, experience, and stability», President Andry Rajoelina declared.

He added, «Christian Ntsay is a loyal person whom we can trust. He understands how to work, the vision, and the goals to be achieved».

The President highlighted the current difficulty in finding loyalty, noting that those in whom trust was placed often betray it.

Regarding experience, he emphasized the need for someone well-versed in development projects and the goals set for the country.

Ntsay Christian is expected to present the composition of his government in the coming days, marking a new phase of work and action in line with the directives and aspirations outlined by the Malagasy President.