Kenya: The Head of State invites International Digital Companies to invest in his country

Since taking office on September 13, 2022, the new President of Kenya, William Ruto, has been actively pursuing his digital ambitions. He has been increasing investments in various segments, including high-speed internet and cybersecurity, while also forging strategic partnerships.

On September 30th, in Nairobi, President William…. Ruto invited international digital companies to invest in Kenya.

He stated that the government is committed to securing the nation’s future by harnessing technology to provide solutions that enhance the human experience and well-being, maintain a competitive, diverse, and robust economy, and strengthen the resilience and security of communities and the country against all threats.

Speaking during the 10th-anniversary celebration of IBM Research-Africa Labs at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, he also highlighted Kenya’s current strengths in the digital domain.

He positioned the country as a geostrategic asset that should be leveraged, given its role as a gateway to East Africa and the continent.

 He also emphasized the ongoing digitization of public services to ensure efficiency and eliminate corruption and the misuse of public resources.

This recent call by William Ruto for international digital investors comes shortly after his visit to the United States from September 16 to 23.

During this trip, he held discussions with prominent tech leaders, including Tim Cook, CEO of Apple; Patrick Gelsinger, CEO of Intel; Ruth Porat, CFO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company; Brad Smith, Chief Operations Officer of Microsoft, and others.

He assured them that the government would carefully consider and address all their concerns to increase their confidence in Kenya.

The government has encouraged IBM to enhance its collaboration and establish labs in Kenyan universities, as well as in ministries, departments, and government agencies in need of research.

Dario Gil, Senior Vice President and Director of IBM Research, expressed IBM’s commitment to working closely with Kenya to transform the economy through technology.