Gabon: What to know about General Brice Oligui Nguema’s coup d’état:

On August 30, 2023, the people of  Gabon witnessed the emergence of new military figures on television, with a spokesperson addressing the nation. They announced the end of Ali Bongo’s autocratic regime. However, the joy that filled the majority of the people was short-lived when the coup leaders presented General Brice Oligui Nguema as the leader of the transition.

Voices quickly arose, suggesting this was more of a palace coup than a genuine change for the Gabonese people.

In reality, General Brice Oligui Nguema, despite appearing to end the Bongo dynasty’s rule in Gabon, is actually a cousin of the ousted president, connecting him to the same dynasty that has been in power for over 50 years.

The question arises as to whether this new direction should be outright rejected due to General Oligui’s ties to the previous regime.

The answer may not be as straight and simple. It’s essential not to rush to judgment and give this transition a chance to demonstrate its commitment to the Gabonese people. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater could be counterproductive.

The final straw was the presidential elections on August 26, with results announced late at night, declaring a landslide victory for Ali Bongo.

This election sparked a revolt within the presidential guard, leading to the end of the Bongo dynasty’s rule.

However, the fact that General Oligui comes from the same ruling family has raised doubts and disagreements, notably from Albert Ondo Ossa, Bongo’s challenger, who still calls for a recount of votes to establish the truth about the results.

It is crucial to keep in mind that change is possible in Gabon, but it will largely depend on the will of the current actors in power.

A successful transition should be as short as possible, focus on essential reforms, and ensure free, transparent, and credible elections with results accepted by all candidates. General Brice Oligui Nguema, who will be inaugurated on September 4, 2023, has the opportunity to write a new chapter in Gabon’s history by working to unite all Gabonese people around what truly matters.