Gabon: Popular support for institutional reform and the new constitution

In Gabon, a vibrant call for citizen participation led to the receipt of 17,245 contributions, marking a notable enthusiasm among the population for institutional reform and the drafting of a new Constitution. The call invited Gabonese citizens to submit their ideas in anticipation of the national consultation scheduled for April, which aims to reshape the country’s institutions.

The commitment of the population was significant, with many citizens continuing to submit their proposals even after the official deadline.

Of the contributions received, 15,300 came from Gabonese who used the dedicated website, while almost 4,500 chose to go in person to the Ministry of Institutional Reform to share their ideas.

The Prime Minister, Raymond Ndong Sima, expressed his satisfaction at this mobilisation of citizens.

He pointed out, however, that a section of the population, notably indigenous peoples and residents of villages without Internet access, had not yet had the opportunity to express their views.

In order to ensure inclusive representation, the Prime Minister has granted these communities a 30-day extension.

Teams from the Ministry of Reform have already begun sorting through the contributions received, a process that will run until 30 January 2024.

The selected proposals will feed into discussions at the National Concertation scheduled for April, laying the foundations for the future direction of Gabon and its institutions.

This massive participation underlines the importance Gabonese people attach to participatory democracy and to collectively defining the future of their nation.

The diversity of contributions reflects the wealth of opinions within Gabonese society, paving the way for an inclusive and transparent democratic process.