Gabon/ General Brice Nguema sworn in: how long will the transition last?

At the swearing-in ceremony, General Brice Oligui Nguema, President of the transition in Gabon, announced the end of the Bongo regime, while many are wondering about the outcome of the transition. The new occupant of the presidential palace has made a string of promises, but without setting a timetable.

A democratic and credible constitution, a new government, living conditions for the Gabonese people, the return of power to civilians, elections – but how long will he keep the state apparatus together to meet the challenge of the battle for change in Gabon?

Even if the political will is there, several factors should contribute to the achievement of these challenges.

Firstly, given that he is not democratically elected, his legitimacy leaves much to be desired.

Then there is his affiliation with the Bongo family, making him a President who is committed to the cause of the Bongo family and France.

Some people simply welcome the fact that power has changed name thanks to this military putsch.

The question that remains and that is on everyone’s mind, especially those of the Gabonese, is: how long will the transition and the free, transparent and credible elections last?

After more than half a century under the Bongo dynasty, the expectations of the Gabonese people are immense.

Fabrice Nkoulou

Related article: Gabon What to know about General Brice Oligui Nguema’s coup d’état