Gabon: France is still operating. Be vigilant!

France, always on the lookout for its own interests, is at it again. The coup d’état, that deposed Ali Bongo in Gabon is said to have been staged by France to place one of its pawns in power.

According to reliable sources, Emmanuel Macron asked Ali Bongo to make Gabon his biggest base so that he could fight against Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali. The deposed president refused.

So France just pushed Bongo out the door so that it could seat General Brice Oligui Nguema, known to all as a Francophile.

Is he in complicity with the international community?

How, then, are we to understand the silence of the international community? All it does is «condemn», without really identifying the trap that remains in this famous coup d’état.

The people must remain vigilant. They must claim their victory, because nothing is won yet. Bongo has fallen, but France has not.

The objective now is to prevent power from remaining in the hands of these Francophile soldiers, otherwise Gabon will remain under the yoke of France.

The fight against France must not stop. African people, let’s unite to prevent France’s Machiavellian plans!

Read also: GABON: A coup d’état in prospect after Ali Bongo’s re-election