Françafrique/Terrorism: Elysée Palace bosses using diversionary tactics to divert attention?

Françafrique–  Recent developments in the Sahel, particularly in Mali, have drawn the attention of African analysts and conscious citizens, who suggest that France, the former colonial power in Francophone Africa, might be playing a diversionary game.


It is widely alleged, with substantiated evidence, that France supports terrorism in Africa, specifically in the Sahel, to thwart the emancipation and prosperity of these nations.


This suspicion has intensified with the rise of revolutionary military leaders in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, who have subsequently severed ties with France.


While all NATO member countries are criticized for attempting to dominate Africa, France faces the most accusations related to terrorism.


The recent actions of Ukrainian officials in the context of terrorist attacks in northern Mali have raised questions.


Analysts suggest that declarations by Ukrainian officials supporting terrorism might be a strategy to divert attention from France’s activities, allowing it to further its destabilization plans.


This notion is reinforced by the call for European mobilization to reclaim the Sahel, issued by a French officer.


Since the statements from the spokesperson of the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Agency and the Ukrainian diplomat in Senegal openly supporting terrorism in the Sahel, many have momentarily overlooked France’s historical role in this malicious system.


Despite the focus on Ukraine, information indicates that France continues to support criminals by supplying war equipment to terrorist groups and repositioning its military operatives in neighboring countries.


This has led to calls for vigilance and determination among the Sahelian people in the face of these events, which highlight European complicity and pose an imminent danger to the Sahel and Africa at large.


Olivier TOE