Football/Drug use: Paul Pogba tested positive again, and facing the prospect of a four-year ban

The verdict has been delivered. Paul Pogba has once again tested positive for testosterone in the course of the retesting process requested by the Juventus Turin midfielder, according to a source close to the matter who confirmed reports in the Italian press.

Less than a month after his temporary suspension on September 11th by the Italian Anti-Doping Agency (Nado), the 30-year-old French footballer received the news on Friday that the analysis of his sample B, collected in August and conducted on Thursday, revealed the presence of testosterone metabolites, mirroring the findings of sample A. This places him at risk of a four-year suspension.

Under the World Anti-Doping Code, Pogba faces the possibility of a four-year suspension.

However, this penalty could be halved if he can demonstrate that his use of the substance was unintentional.

Furthermore, it may even be reduced to just a few months if it can be proven that the substance was used «out of competition and unrelated to his performance level».

To account for this positive doping test, «La Pioche’s» inner circle had previously stated last month that the testosterone metabolites stemmed from a dietary supplement prescribed by a doctor he had consulted in the United States.

Testosterone, known for its role in fertility and male sexual function, is also associated with muscle development.

When contacted by AFP, the Italian Anti-Doping Agency (Nado) refrained from confirming this information «as per the decision of the Italian authority regarding privacy».

Likewise, the player’s inner circle, when reached for comment, opted not to provide any statements.
