Equatorial Guinea/ Elections: The PDGE too “confident” in his “victory” puts his foot down

The outgoing President Obiang Mbasogo of the ruling PDGE party, who voted for his own succession after 43 years of undivided power, said he was “confident” of his “victory” despite several irregularities leading to controversy over probable fraud before and during the counting. This premature joy of the bloodthirsty dictator a few days before the final results, is explained by the announcement of “first scrutinized results” of the Minister of the Interior in front of the media.

This media appearance by Faustino Ndong Eono Ayang, before the national and international media, revealed so-called “scrutinised” results that look more like “falsified” votes by the PDGE.

Even before the Electoral Commission released its first provisional results, the PDGE revealed unofficial figures that gave it a large victory over its competitors.

This gives the impression of public childishness at the highest level of the Equatorial Guinean state, reflecting the unsuspected elucidations of a regime that has never admitted defeat in an election.

After this faux-pas of Obiang Mbasogo, the presumptions of fraud are increasingly strong.

Thus, the much feared electoral hold-up has caught the electorate unaware of the inexhaustible capacities of the government to achieve its ends.

The party in power even finds it useless to continue counting the ballots in view of its score.

For the sixth consecutive time in Equatorial Guinea, the PDGE proclaimed itself the winner of a presidential election.

These unverified “global results”, which cannot be verified by credible and independent sources, show the PDGE winning the election by 67012 votes against 152 for the CPDS and 32 for the PCSD.

As the Constitutional Court prepares to announce the final results, the government’s approach is unconstitutional, mafia-like and retrograde.

This electoral fraud shows the arrogance and unlimited pretension of a regime that wrongly feels untouchable and indestructible.

The counting of the votes is still going on in view of the final results, but the PDGE’s haphazard exit proves that the magistrates of the Constitutional Court are at Obiang Mbasogo’s beck and call, and will not have the balls to challenge the illegitimacy of this process, nor to invalidate a vote riddled with irregularities.

Miss OLY