Ecowas: Umaro Sissoco Embaló will not run for a second term as head of the institution

In the absence of a sanction from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for his amateurism and questionable, dangerous, and suspect positions in the affairs of member countries of the organization, Guinea-Bissau’s President Umaro Sissoco Embaló was “booed” by his own country in the legislative elections held on June 4. Finding himself now in a process of cohabitation, where the President of the PAIGC coalition will hold the position of Prime Minister, Umaro must focus more on governing his own country rather than meddling in the internal affairs of Mali, Burkina Faso, and others.

According to Jeune Afrique, the current President of ECOWAS, whose term is coming to an end and who will organize the next summit of the organization on July 9 to discuss his reappointment, « will ultimately not seek a second term as head of the sub-regional organization»

« I am in a process of cohabitation since the legislative elections on June 4. This will require all my attention», he said to the magazine Jeune Afrique, which specifies that Umaro Sissoco Embaló was, however, interested in a « second term at the helm of the sub-regional organization, but the legislative elections have changed everything».

 However, none of his peers seems interested in the position at the moment.

To be continued.