ECOWAS: All united against the re-election of Umaro Sissoco at the head of Ecowas

In June 2023, the ECOWAS will gather to elect its president for a new term. At the moment, the current president, Mr. EMBALO, is the favorite to be re-elected, if not the only declared candidate.

 A question arises then

How can this man, who has repeatedly and spectacularly failed to manage the various crises in the sub-region, be the favorite for his reelection? The answer is as clear as the nature of the organization he intends to lead.

 In fact, the West African Community of States, like the African Union, is the privileged channel that the colonial powers use to legalize the various malpractices they carry out on the continent.

Through the use of unsavory recommendations via diplomatic channels from one country to another, France manages to persuade certain member countries who are compliant to its interests. This, in order to promote all kinds of sanctions against a sovereign country, also a member, which for once says NO to it.

You can easily understand that, from ordinary civil servants to political leaders, France ensures that only individuals who are aligned with its cause are installed. EMBALO was therefore carefully chosen for this purpose.

His mission since taking office, instead of promoting the organization, development, and security of the member states, has turned into a fierce struggle against the Malian and Burkinabe people on the instructions of the French godfather, to whom he owes his position.

These two countries (Mali and Burkina) who want to stand up and put an end once and for all to terrorism, must not succeed at all costs.

Because a destabilized country, threatened by manufactured pseudo-terrorists, is a good ground on which France can come and feed and continue to pillage resources, with the guarantee of threats against authorities who do not go in its direction.

Mr. Umaru Sissoko EMBALO presents himself, like many others, as a good traitor. Ready to betray his continent, his history, for personal privileges and to be well-received in Versailles castles.

It is urgent and even imperative that Mr. EMBALO does not get re-elected for a second term.

The freedom fighters for Burkina Faso are making a strong appeal to the African public opinion, institutional bodies, and all those who directly or indirectly hope for progress in this continent, to denounce the catastrophic record of Mr. EMBALO and prevent him from running for a second term.

H. Nelchael