EBOMAF Group clarifies circumstances surrounding Mr. Bassolé’s arrest

In response to the recent apprehension of Mr. Bassolé, EBOMAF Group has provided additional insights to shed light on the situation. The company underscores that Mr. Bassolé’s arrest is solely related to his status as a Burkinabe citizen and not connected to his role as the Chief of Staff to the CEO of the EBOMAF Group. It is emphasized that this legal matter is distinct from his professional responsibilities within the organization.

The clarification aims to offer transparency and dispel any potential misconceptions by clearly delineating Mr. Bassolé’s personal life from his position within the EBOMAF Group.

It is explicitly stated that the grounds for his arrest are rooted in his civilian life and are unrelated to his duties within the company.

EBOMAF recognizes the importance of separating personal and professional spheres to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation regarding the circumstances leading to Mr. Bassolé’s arrest.

The company also stresses that, despite this legal development, Mr. Bassolé’s standing within the organization remains unaffected.

These detailed explanations seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of the situation, highlighting the specific nature of Mr. Bassolé’s apprehension and emphasizing its personal dimension, independent of his commitment to the EBOMAF Group.

This approach aims to ensure clarity and accuracy in reporting on this matter.

Read again/ Mahamadou Bonkoungou, CEO of EBOMAF: A Successful and Magnanimous Businessman

Olivier TOE