Burkina-Faso: The beginning of a new great story for the Burkinabe economy; Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU and Idrissa NASSA meet

A new prosperous and forward-looking start for the economy of Burkina Faso. Mr. Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU, CEO of EBOMAF Group and his colleague Mr. Idrissa NASSA, President of CORIS Bank Group, met on Monday, November 21, 2022. On his Facebook page, Mr. Idrissa NASSA revealed that this courtesy visit paid to him by Mr. Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU, will allow them to go even further for the economic development of Burkina-Faso.

All the rumors on the ground. This great new union divides the words of the executed who have always taken pleasure in sharing erroneous information on the brotherhood of these two great Burkinabe men. In the wake of the exchanges, Mr. Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU and Mr. Idrissa NASSA mainly discussed the economic news of Faso and projected the foundations of a better collaboration between the EBOMAF Group and the CORIS Bank Group.

Thus, on his Facebook page, Mr. Idrissa NASSA reveals: “I am grateful to my brother and friend Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU, CEO of the EBOMAF Group, who honored me with a courtesy visit today. Thus, he continued that “together, we have made a review of the economic news and laid the foundations for a better synergy between our two groups. Alone we go fast, together we go far”.

On this basis, the economy of Burkina-Faso will very soon see great progress in terms of economic recovery. Moreover, the update on the Burkinabe economy given by Mr. Idrissa NASSA and his spouse, Mr. Mahamadou BONKOUNGOU, will enable them to put in place strong means of economic recovery. In short, these two great men are specialists in entrepreneurship.

Miss OLY