DRC: The Constitutional court authorises the swearing-in of Félix Tshisekedi

 In DRC, 48 hours after the definitive results were proclaimed by the Constitutional Court, its registry officially notified President Félix Tshisekedi of his victory among the 26 contenders for the highest office in the state.

«The President of the Republic received from the Director of Electoral Registry, the instrumental process server, and the court clerk of the Constitutional Court, a copy of Decision 0016 of January 9, 2024, proclaiming the definitive results of the December 2023 presidential election», the Presidency of the Republic stated on Thursday in its official communication.

This act represents the final legal formality, authorizing the swearing-in ceremony of the elected president before the constitutional court.

The State protocol has obtained approval to organize the swearing-in ceremony at the Stade des Martyrs in Kinshasa on January 20, 2024, in the presence of several heads of state and government, and over 80,000 Congolese.

Félix Tshisekedi will thus seek a second term, providing him with an opportunity to continue the development efforts initiated during his first five-year term.

His ambition is to ensure economic and social development for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Read again: DRC: Félix Tshisekedi takes the oath of office on 20 January

Neil Camara