DRC: Strengthening cohesion for effective governance

In the grand setting of the Palais de la Nation’s congress hall, President Félix Tshisekedi inaugurated the 2024 Government Seminar, a pivotal event aimed at enhancing cohesion within the government and ensuring the effective implementation of the Government Action Programme (PAG) 2024-2028.


This program is critical for addressing the needs and concerns of the Congolese population.


The seminar’s theme, “Sealing the Pact of Citizen Engagement through Promoting Performance in Governance and Effective Reform Implementation,” underscores the importance of performance and efficiency in governance.


It serves as a key platform for government members to exchange information, experiences, and strategies.


The primary goal of the seminar is to strengthen team cohesion to foster transparent, accountable, and results-oriented governance.


Building this cohesion is crucial for the successful execution of the ambitious PAG 2024-2028 objectives.


Central to the discussions is the concept of the citizen engagement pact. Actively involving citizens in governance processes is essential for fostering transparency, participation, and accountability.


Improving performance in governance is also critical to ensuring that every government action significantly enhances the lives of the Congolese people.


Effective reform implementation remains a major challenge for any government. This seminar provides a unique opportunity to review progress, identify necessary adjustments, and ensure the success of ongoing initiatives.


Key aspects include efficient resource management, enhanced inter-ministerial coordination, and transparent communication to overcome obstacles and achieve tangible results.


Gilbert Fotso