DRC: President Félix Tshisekedi calls for peace and fair play in an exemplary election campaign

Against a backdrop of potentially explosive political tensions, President Félix Tshisekedi, a candidate in his own re-election campaign, took the initiative of promoting peace and fair play at his rally in Kananga, in the province of Kasaï Central, in DRC on Wednesday 13 December 2023.

At the rally, which drew an impressive crowd to the Place de l’indépendance, the outgoing President reminded the population of the crucial importance of a healthy electoral competition, based on mutual respect and listening to the ideas of the various candidates.

President Félix Tshisekedi clearly expressed his desire to maintain a peaceful and democratic climate throughout the electoral campaign, underlining his commitment to exemplary elections.

In a speech imbued with wisdom and responsibility, the President urged the population to avoid any recourse to violence against the other candidates in the presidential election.

«If you do so, you will harm us, because we are convinced that we will win the elections. If they don’t want to come, they won’t, but if they do come, don’t throw stones at them, because they have their supporters here who need to hear their speeches. That’s the kind of democracy we want. If you don’t want to welcome them, don’t go where they are and throw stones at them», he declared, stressing the importance of respecting the fundamental principles of democracy.

President Félix Tshisekedi, candidate of the Union sacrée de la Nation, emphasised the importance of a peaceful and transparent electoral process, highlighting the democratic values that are at the heart of his vision for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

He encouraged voters to exercise their right to vote in complete freedom and expressed his confidence in his victory in the elections, stressing the need for continued support to build a better future for the country.

Candidate Félix Tshisekedi is a leader committed to peace, mutual respect and democratic integrity, laying the foundations for an exemplary electoral campaign and a promising future for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Neil Camara