DRC: Nearly 44 million voters go to the polls

Nearly 44 million voters are casting their ballots on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, in the Democratic Republic of  Congo (DRC).

From an initial pool of 26 candidates, only 19 remain in the race for the presidential election.

On the eve of the elections on Tuesday evening, the president of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), Denis Kadima, urged voters to go to the polls and cast their votes despite difficulties.

Responding to those predicting chaos after the elections, Mr. Kadima stated that such apocalyptic declarations would remain «ineffective».

Incumbent President Félix Thsisekedi is seeking a second term to solidify achievements and preserve national sovereignty. He faces a scattered opposition.

During the electoral campaign, Félix Tshisekedi set a record by visiting all 26 provinces and holding 52 meetings, according to his campaign director approached by the Congolese Press Agency (ACP).

This is not counting his lieutenants, including Jean-Pierre Bemba (39 meetings) and Kamhere (in the cities of Kivu), who successfully relayed Tshisekedi’s campaign message in territories and sectors.

The mobilization has been nearly total in the provinces and municipalities visited by the incumbent president.

Félix Tshisekedi’s first five-year term is generally positive.

Economically, efforts have been made to clean up the country’s mining and forestry sectors.

The provision of free education is commendable, allowing over 5 million children to return to school.

Candidate No. 20 has promised to make the DRC an economic powerhouse in the heart of Africa and to continue efforts to rebuild a rule-of-law state once re-elected.