DRC: Arrival of President Félix Tshisekedi in Lubumbashi and launch of national service trains

President Felix Tshisekedi made a significant arrival in Lubumbashi, the capital of Haut-Katanga province, on Wednesday evening following his attendance at the inauguration of South African counterpart Cyril Ramaphosa.


This visit underscores his commitment to the economic and social development of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).


On Thursday, the Head of State will lead the launch of the National Service trains, a pivotal initiative for the agricultural economy of the DRC.


These trains aim to streamline the evacuation of agricultural produce to major consumption centers in the country, addressing a critical need of the National Service.


The National Service focuses on the rehabilitation and reintegration of formerly delinquent youth, now referred to as young builders.


Engaged in agricultural activities, these youths cultivate various essential food items for the country.

The agricultural output generated by these youths is a valuable resource for the urban centers of the DRC, and improving their transportation is a vital step for their effective integration into the national market.


President Felix Tshisekedi’s launch of the National Service trains in Lubumbashi is a promising initiative aimed at bolstering the agricultural economy of the DRC and promoting the social reintegration of young builders.


By facilitating the transportation of agricultural products to major consumption centers, this initiative not only enhances logistics and food availability but also plays a crucial role in the economic and social transformation of the country.

Gilbert FOTSO