DRC: A new roadmap for exports to the United States under the AGOA-DRC strategy

The Democratic Republic of Congo  is embarking on a pivotal journey towards deeper integration into the global economy. In a recent Cabinet meeting, the government adopted an ambitious roadmap aimed at boosting exports to the United States under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).


This initiative, termed the “AGOA-DRC Strategy,” was developed in collaboration with USAID and private sector experts to invigorate the DRC’s foreign trade by leveraging opportunities in the American market.


The AGOA-DRC Strategy stands out for its comprehensive and multisectoral approach, encompassing 26 sectors within agriculture and mining, showcasing the diverse and rich resources of the DRC.


The partnership with USAID underscores the United States’ commitment to supporting the DRC’s economic development.


This strategic collaboration is crucial for the effective implementation of the AGOA-DRC Strategy.


USAID’s technical expertise and resources will be instrumental in achieving the plan’s ambitious goals.


The implementation of the AGOA-DRC Strategy represents a significant opportunity for the Democratic Republic of Congo to diversify its exports and strengthen its presence in the American market.


By fully capitalizing on the benefits of the AGOA program, the Democratic Republic of Congo  aims to achieve sustainable economic growth, create jobs, and improve the living conditions of its population.


Gilbert Fotso