Côte d’Ivoire: Suspension of energy drinks, a case of unfair competition perpetuated by the authorities

The suspension of the importation and commercialization of alcoholic energy drinks in the country, ordered by the  authorities of Côte d’Ivoire   in a ministerial decree, is once again in the spotlight. Especially during the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON), where advertising for some of these beverages floods the market. Some of these stimulating drinks are even presented as partners of the AFCON organized by the country.

Why does this suspension only apply to a range of these drinks while others are still available in Côte d’Ivoire ?

Also, according to our information, «the suspension of alcoholic energy drinks will last until February 29, 2024».

This raises questions about the reason given by Ivorian authorities for prohibiting the sale of these drinks in the country.

Indeed, the Ivorian government justifies its decision by the concern to preserve public health because these drinks have devastating effects on the consumer’s health, it claims; something that is not proven by any study to date.

The real problem is that enthusiasts (especially young people) of energy drinks mix them with a psychoactive substance called Tramadol.

These two products together and excessive consumption of an energy drink are dangerous for the consumer.

But taken moderately, it is a stimulant, especially in a state of intense fatigue. It is therefore up to the authorities to reconsider the suspension decision, which maintains unfair competition favoring certain breweries at the expense of others.

S. Touré