Côte d’Ivoire: An investment of 15 billion CFA francs in a cashew nut processing plant

On July 12, The  Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire Robert Beugré inaugurated a new cashew processing plant in Boundiali, Bagoué region.


This project, costing 15 billion CFA francs (24.9 million USD), was funded by the Emirati firm Pan African Agro Commodities (PAAC), a company specializing in agricultural commodities.


Situated on a 10-hectare site in Tombougou-Samorosso, the plant can process up to 50 tons of cashews per day, with an annual capacity exceeding 18,000 tons.


This state-of-the-art facility significantly boosts Côte d’Ivoire’s cashew industry, a vital sector for the local economy.


The plant’s opening is a major development for the Bagoué region and the Ivorian agricultural sector.


It is expected to create local jobs, stimulate the regional economy, and reduce reliance on exporting unprocessed raw materials.


By processing cashews locally, Côte d’Ivoire can add value to its products, increasing producer incomes and contributing to national economic growth.


PAAC’s investment underscores the importance of international partnerships for infrastructure development in Africa. The Emirati firm’s financial commitment reflects foreign investors’ confidence in Côte d’Ivoire’s economic potential and its agricultural sector.