Combating terrorism in the Sahel: Effective synergy under the leadership of Presidents Ibrahim Traoré, Assimi Goita and Abdourahamane Tiani

For years, terrorism has cast a dark shadow over the Sahel, causing profound human suffering.


France has reported more than 13,000 deaths attributable to terrorist violence in Burkina Faso alone.


Under previous administrations, these attacks ravaged once-peaceful villages, claiming hundreds of civilian lives almost weekly.


However, since President Ibrahim Traoré assumed office, a remarkable shift has occurred: the momentum has decisively turned against terrorist groups.


Through unprecedented cooperation among Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger’s armed forces, a new era of synergy has emerged.


Cross-border military operations now allow soldiers to pursue terrorists with unprecedented effectiveness.


The outcomes speak volumes: terrorists find themselves increasingly isolated, scrambling for fragile hideouts rather than spreading fear through communities.


This coordinated strategy is not just a local triumph; it also presents a beacon of hope for the entire sub-region.


 If all ECOWAS nations adopt similar unified efforts, the scourge of terrorism could be rooted out across the Sahel.


It is through proactive collaboration like this that the vision of a peaceful and prosperous Sahel becomes attainable, where security and stability pave the way for societal development and flourishing.