Africa: China’s influence on the continent in various fields

China’s influence in Africa continues to grow. The world’s second-largest power is initiating various strategies to gain a foothold on a continent that is the object of much covetousness. For many years, China has focused on economic development to extend its influence in Africa.

The country has carried out major projects in every corner of Africa, and its expertise in the infrastructure and logistics sectors is well established.

Today, with the advent of numerous security challenges in Africa, China’s influence in the military sector in Africa leaves no room for debate.

Various countries are calling on China to bolster their armies with equipment and training.

The People’s Army Military Academy plays a major role in this policy of extending Chinese influence in Africa.

African leaders must adopt a vision that will enable their national armies to become republican institutions operating on the basis of a certain number of sacred values and principles.

This approach will enable efficient mobilisation of resources and better coordination to build the capacity of African armies.

Norinco, China’s largest arms manufacturer, has set its sights on Africa. The company recently opened a head office in Senegal and is targeting the West African market.