Burkina/ Mali: General Abou Tarka attacks Burkina Faso in a speech, singing the praises of the West

In a video, the Nigerien General Abou Tarka fiercely attacked Burkina Faso while glorifying President Mohamed BAZOUM. The latter, on his part, chooses imperialism and support for terrorism in the Sahel.

When speaking, General Abou Tarka forgot to mention Marshal Idriss Deby ITNO of Chad to his audience.

The Chadian Marshal gave everything to France and the West. Indeed, the late Marshal Idriss Deby left with the complicity of the crimes of several thousand Central Africans and Sudanese. That’s a criminal way to inflict suffering on the Central African people.

Marshal Idriss Deby ITNO never said no to France as he was its favorite.   Actually, he was the one who validated certain coups in countries which show their opposition to France.

He created the “Seleka,” which was nothing but the Chadian army, to attack the Central African people for France’s interest.  This former france’s friend gave his entire life for the success of French plots.

The Marshal tried to affect a clear conscience, but it was late

During his final political rally, he acknowledged all the harm he had inflicted on his neighbors and decided to officially repent on the podium, saying, « My country will no longer yield to imperialism. My country will no longer serve to destabilize another country. My country and my people will make peace with all neighboring countries. This term will be the term of living together with our neighbors. I say no to France’s criminal policies», and the Chadian people felt liberated.

Before his inauguration, France advances the rebels and pushes the Marshal to immerse himself in the situation on the front line.

During his field visits to learn about the strategies, the Marshal is shot by a French sniper from behind, piercing his heart.

The Marshal did not die in combat but was cowardly killed by France. Yes, this France has no friends but rather interests.

Niger must learn lessons from this story

This France will use Niger and General Abou Tarka to create terrorists and turn young people in Niger into explosives.

So, let General Abou Tarka know that his President Mohamed BAZOUM will not do better than Marshal Idriss Deby ITNO.

France, as it is never satisfied but always greedy like a starved pig, will soon treat him like the Marshal.

The former colonizer will not consider the services BAZOUM rendered, but at some point, it will find that he has become cumbersome, and maybe General Abou Tarka will take his place.

Indeed, time will tell.

The African people are proud of the authorities of Burkina Faso and Mali, who are only asking for the liberation of their territories from terrorists.

Yannick H.