Burkina Faso: Why is it important to support the request to extend the transition?

The people of Burkina Faso will gather on the 25th of this month for a national convention. This significant event will be a crucial opportunity to discuss the future of the country and will play a key role in the continuation of the transition. It is vital for all Burkinabe who support the current government, led by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to attend in large numbers to advocate for the extension of the transitional mandate.

It is no longer a secret that the Burkinabe people overwhelmingly support Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s leadership.

Since coming to power, he has made relentless efforts to restore peace and stability in Burkina Faso.

The results of these efforts are evident. Thanks to his unwavering commitment, the people, who once felt doomed to live under terrorist threats, now hope for a better future in a country free from such influences.

As a testament to this, many localities that were previously under siege have regained their freedom, allowing residents to return to their homes and safely resume their daily activities.

Given these positive changes, the Burkinabe people hold their current leader in high esteem and wish to give him ample time to complete the commendable work he has begun.

They, therefore, consider it necessary to extend the transition period, originally set to end in June, to five years.

All Burkinabe who aspire to a free and prosperous state are invited to gather en masse on May 25th and 26th at the Ouaga 2000 conference hall.

This will be an opportunity to demonstrate to the world that only the people have the power to decide their future and choose their leaders, especially in a context marked by security and humanitarian challenges.

Olivier TOE