Burkina-Faso: Why are people so angry at the MPSR and its President?

The patriotic struggle that President Traoré is waging to breathe new life into Burkina is not to the liking of some Burkinabes, who never tire of manipulating the people to tarnish his image and that of the MPSR. One wonders what these mythomaniacs gain from these attempts to sabotage the President’s efforts? How did they manage to bury the sense of patriotism? Are they not concerned about the security crisis in the country? Why are they busy feeding the terrorist groups?

President Traoré has not given himself a break since he took office to give his country a new lease of life.
Meetings with the components of the nation and the army, remobilisation of troops, recruitment of VDP, calls for national solidarity, contribution to the war effort, promotion of social cohesion and living together etc.

According to many observers, the whole population should remain united behind the MPSR and its current leaders, in order to defeat the terrorist invasion. But paradoxically, some activists, journalists and politicians have the wrong opponent and take great pleasure in publishing falsehoods against the country’s current authorities, with the sole aim of tarnishing the record of the MPSR and slowing down its momentum.

Except that the people are no longer fooled. The awakened mind of the majority of the population allows them to distinguish between good and evil.

“The enemy is occupying our land, we must fight for our total independence”, the President recalled on Saturday 10 December 2022. In order to acquire this second independence he spoke of, it is necessary to abandon certain behaviours that are harmful to living together, and to adopt the values and determination that animated those who shed their blood to free Burkina from the hands of the coloniser.

Miss OLY