Burkina Faso: When “lies” become the favourite sport of the Western media

Lately, the Western powers and their media have been constantly fabricating false and absurd allegations against the Burkinabe state, with the intention of tipping the country into another political imbroglio.

Before, it was a mood movement that spread to military garrisons, because some officers were critical of the way in which some of their fallen comrades were buried.

The next bone of contention was the decision by the President of the transition, Ibrahim Traoré, to send a troop to Niger to help the people of Niger in the event of an ECOWAS attack.

This time, it’s because President Ibrahim Traoré doesn’t want to share power with the officers that they want to jump him.

Or rather, it is Captain Traoré’s inexperience in decision-making, revealed by the CEO of Ebomaf, Mahamadou Bonkoungou, who was initially the official sponsor of the coup that brought President Ibrahim Traoré to power.

But today he is no longer in the odour of sanctity with the President, because he too had ambitions to accede to the supreme magistracy. It’s all a lie.

France’s primary objective is to play on division to keep Burkina in this state of instability, and consequently to derail the transition.

The strategy  of the Western powers today is to create a climate of mistrust within the army by pitting officers against officers.

The people of Burkina Faso must be vigilant not to fall into these traps, and above all not to give credence to all this misinformation.

Neil Camara