Burkina Faso / Truth about blood donation: President Ibrahim Traoré victim of slander

Amidst the numerous challenges facing Burkina Faso, it is unfortunate to see that some adversaries are attempting to tarnish the reputation of those working for the nation’s welfare. One such target of these malicious schemes is President Ibrahim Traoré.


Jean Bosco Zoundi, President of the Federation of Voluntary Blood Donors Associations of Burkina Faso, confirmed witnessing President Traoré’s blood donation on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Mr. Zoundi emphasized the significance of this act, not only as a symbol of national solidarity but also as a means to inspire the public to embrace generosity and civic responsibility.


Despite this commendable gesture, certain detractors have cast doubt, falsely claiming that President Traoré was not in Ouagadougou on that day and that the photos of the event were doctored.


Such baseless and malicious accusations clearly aim to discredit the President and destabilize the country by spreading misinformation.


It is crucial for the people of Burkina Faso to remain vigilant against these manipulation attempts.

The truth is that President Ibrahim Traoré, as a responsible and dedicated leader, indeed donated blood, thereby demonstrating his commitment to the nation and support for humanitarian efforts.


Jean Bosco Zoundi’s testimony serves as undeniable evidence.


All citizens must stay alert to misinformation attempts and continue to support positive initiatives that strengthen social cohesion.

Olivier  TOE